Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'll Make You Proud.

Because that's what I strive for.

All I want is a little recognition; for you to think in twenty years, "Yeah, that was my best friend."
Is that excessively narcissistic of me? Yeah, probably.

I'm really nothing. I'm just kind of here, living day to day, looking for a reason why I should bother. Of course I always find one, if only just that- only one. Always, it seems, that Her.

"I'll make you proud."

I'm really nothing. Nothing recognizable, nothing worth being remembered. I'm a young, impressionable soul with no clearly defined moral standards or any idea of what to do with his life.

Not so fun.

"I'll make you proud."

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Nein. Nie. Nichts.

Trust is the least of your concerns!

You prevaricator, you.

Aesthetically pleasing, morally appalling.
You're a monster, the most beautiful kind.
The most terrifying kind.
The one we can't kill.

Trust is the least of your concerns!

Look down and realize where you are.
You're alone and helpless, hopelessly marred.
I would be apologetic, but you've made this mess.
I won't give up until your sins are confessed.

Trust is the least of your concerns!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

We Sit in a Raincloud

We float above the desert
our tears bring new life
and water to the wasteland
our laughs are like the thunder
Her eyes reflect the moonlight
and it's...
Like the lightning.

And we watch the ground below us
the glow of her smile coaxes out
the life that must exist in the wasteland
And the flowers quietly bloom
the animals come out of their caves
and they play, and are

Of course, this couldn't last forever
she can only be happy for so long
and I swear, the moment her smile faded
the new life faded with it.
And the masterpiece that was laid out before us
is once again a blank canvas.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I've Been Okay

I've been okay, lately.
Spendin' my days happy.
I've been okay, lately.
And I'm sure you know why.

The sadness is gone,
For the first time in a while.
No reason to cry
When I'm wearin' a genuine smile.

When I look back, I can see that
It's not all that bad.
And now the clouds have gone
I've got no reason to be sad!

The clouds have moved away
and now I see your face
There's no reason to stay
In this cramped, little space
I want the sun's rays
on our backs as we race through the fields of love!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


"Take chances!"

What about the times when all you get is screwed?

Where Have I Gone?

There's nothing to say anymore.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Look what you've done!
New life lays in ruins.
You've spoiled it now, you've spoiled it again.
Spoiled is too nice a word for what you've done

I'll tear out your lungs! I'll tear out your lungs!
I'll rip out your eyes
but what's been done has been done.
You've turned what was white to black.

You, you who insist we're all just a shade of gray.

Oh! You should have seen how she cried on my shoulder.

I don't care how sorry you are. I don't care about your worthless new leaf.
I just want to see you suffer. I just want to see your limbs torn apart.

I am the shade of gray. She has become black. And you... you have done what you could to take the white for yourself. But all you've done is soil it.

I'll destroy you; just you watch.

You'll destroy me; just you watch.