Saturday, August 29, 2009


Look what you've done!
New life lays in ruins.
You've spoiled it now, you've spoiled it again.
Spoiled is too nice a word for what you've done

I'll tear out your lungs! I'll tear out your lungs!
I'll rip out your eyes
but what's been done has been done.
You've turned what was white to black.

You, you who insist we're all just a shade of gray.

Oh! You should have seen how she cried on my shoulder.

I don't care how sorry you are. I don't care about your worthless new leaf.
I just want to see you suffer. I just want to see your limbs torn apart.

I am the shade of gray. She has become black. And you... you have done what you could to take the white for yourself. But all you've done is soil it.

I'll destroy you; just you watch.

You'll destroy me; just you watch.

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