Sunday, August 2, 2009

What are you doing, Brian?

Look at yourself. I thought you were trying to get over all of that. I thought there was something better in store for you. So what's your deal? Why are you so sad? Get happy. Do you really want to? I don't know. I'm just me. How am I supposed to know these things? >.< Nothing you're doing is helping. In fact, it only seems to be making it worse. So do you really want to get happy? Maybe you should stop relishing the sadness. What a strange concept. "Relishing the sadness." But it's exactly what you're doing. So, what is it that you're feeling this time? Anger? Sadness? Something else? Tell me. Do you even know? Obviously not. Now I'm mad at you. Therefore, you're mad. What are you mad at? Yourself? I think you're mad at the fact that you let someone in. Someone who you were so glad to have in, but now, you're just regretful. How could you let this happen?! There was something disarming in her smile. In her eyes. In the way she loved you, even if you were a complete screw-up. (And that's being nice about it.) And now you just want to resolve to never let that happen again. Why would you? No, that would be a mistake. Or would it? Maybe, just maybe, you could try again. But why should you? You know where THAT goes. But maybe it was your own fault. Maybe you could just... not screw up this time. Yeah. Or not. What's the other option? "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." So, is it worth it?

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