Friday, July 31, 2009

Eyes Open

Just looking into someone's eyes for a prolonged period of time can bring you to a place of intimacy with another person. There's so many stories behind what those circles of blue and green have seen in their lifetime.

I've decided that I like my eyes. They're... not "piercing." They're not too dark. They're... shaded. They're protected. Almost as though there's something I have to say, but only if I judge you trustworthy. And, to be quite honest, that's how it is. For those of you who are actually reading this, chances are, you know me. You're one of the few people that really know me. I'm not saying that this is some kind of outrageous honor, but it's a rare thing.

I am Metal. I am... withdrawn. I am introverted. I may not be original, but I'm myself. That's okay. There's an infinite, yet finite, number of colors on the color wheel of our world. I'm somewhere in there. Nearly the exact same color as someone next to me, but ever so infinitesimally lighter or darker than everyone else. And that's fine.

Friday, July 24, 2009

There Are No Words

I'll wait you out.
I'm calling your bluff.
You're blocking me out,
I swear I'll break in.

Only time will tell!
But I'm sick of being out in the cold.
They say time will tell.
Prove it. Meanwhile, I'm getting old.

Nobody's ever been able
to elicit this reaction from me.
My heart's been cold, but
You've got the power to melt me down.

Only time will tell!
But I'm sick of being alone.
They say time will tell.
Prove it. Meanwhile, I'm falling apart.

How can you do this to me?
I'd thought it impossible
until the night when I died
and God brought me back to life.

Now it's my turn to break you down!

Because love is the means!
By which we're changed
by which we're saved,
by which I'm redeemed.

Monday, July 6, 2009

So sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I really don't want to write yet another blog post about her. Not right now, anyway. Considering that it'll just be ramblings of intense desire and wishful thinking. What happens, happens, I suppose. So today, I'm going to blog about dancing in the rain. It rained here the other day, so I went outside (shirtless... ooh, tasty) and listened to John Mayer while spontaneously running and chasing birds and telling dogs to go home. But why is that so fun? A change of pace? I doubt if you can even put it that simply. There's something special about breaking the order of the ordinary. Something surreal, something blissful. I'm not sure where I'm going with this... ughh. I'm so tired. Sorry... my writing isn't at it's best right now.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Sometimes you need to pop in your earbuds and turn up your favorite indie as loud as it will go. Then you remove yourself to a semi-remote location and survey the chaos in front of you. And then... you're finally calm. You remember what it is that you're trying to accomplish by living. Sorry. My muse is... off. It'll turn back on later. But there's no experience quite like centering yourself in the midst of uncertainty. Obsolete by Mute Math is quite possibly the best song for doing that that I've ever heard. Brothers on a Hotel Bed by Death Cab for Cutie would be the second if it weren't so quiet. Anyways, I thought I would share my current thought. I refuse to let a paragraph go to waste. :)