Monday, July 6, 2009

So sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I really don't want to write yet another blog post about her. Not right now, anyway. Considering that it'll just be ramblings of intense desire and wishful thinking. What happens, happens, I suppose. So today, I'm going to blog about dancing in the rain. It rained here the other day, so I went outside (shirtless... ooh, tasty) and listened to John Mayer while spontaneously running and chasing birds and telling dogs to go home. But why is that so fun? A change of pace? I doubt if you can even put it that simply. There's something special about breaking the order of the ordinary. Something surreal, something blissful. I'm not sure where I'm going with this... ughh. I'm so tired. Sorry... my writing isn't at it's best right now.

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