Thursday, June 18, 2009

"I Love You"

Three words. Eight letters. And yet... a hundred thousand words of meaning. So many things that could be said, that need to be said, that are said with these three words. "I love you." Three words that can fortify or destroy a relationship. Three words that mean everything to me. But why are they so significant? defines love as: "a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person." Is that all? Doesn't it feel like it means so much more? Because when you hear this phrase, something... ignites. "Breaks" is the word that I would use. Break in the sense that it's not as it usually is. But, man... if when I remind her that I love her, she feels the way that I did when she told me that she loves me? I would be happier than I've ever been in my life. I hope this helps your image. ;)

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